
Terminal interface built for a one-day action-movie-themed puzzle hunt.

An efficient and easily extensible software library and Arduino Uno–based hardware demo for decorative NeoPixel lighting strips.

Poster designed for We're All Mad Here, a one-day puzzle hunt in 2018.

One of my first projects to gain traction online, Fruit Ninja on a TI-83 Plus is a real game for the graphing calculator series.

Fishbot, a jellyfish-like mechanism designed and built from machined acrylic and 3D-printed parts for Caltech's ME 14.

Online demo of a bunch of stupid things you can do with CSS. Check out the writeup on the blog or the code on GitHub!

Custom sign-up experience built for a one-day cyberpunk-themed puzzle hunt called Project Hyperskelion.

Poster designed for Hornsdale, a one-day puzzle hunt in 2017.

Header of an infographic designed in 2016.

An early webapp built for the graphing calculator community, the Integrated Editor System is an IDE for creating TI-83 Plus–series calculator programs and other variables online.

A dynamic reference table and API for Z80 assembly instructions.

Website and complete suite of administrative apps built for Blacker Hovse, one of the eight undergraduate houses at Caltech.